Pomsky 0.7 released

Posted on September 10, 2022 by Ludwig Stecher ‐ 6 min read

I just released Pomsky 0.7 with a new, much faster parser.


What is Pomsky?

Pomsky is a portable, modern syntax for regular expressions. It has powerful features, such as variables, and a much more readable syntax. Check out the language tour to quickly get familiar with Pomsky, or the examples to see some real Pomsky expressions.

Pomsky is not a regex engine. Instead, a Pomsky expression is transpiled to a normal RegExp, compatible with many RegExp engines, including JavaScript, Java, PCRE, Ruby, Python, Rust and .NET.

Summary of the changes

Because I didn’t publish a blog post when I released version 0.6, this post is a bit longer. Here’s a summary:

  • The parser was rewritten and is now much faster

  • Pomsky is now published as WASM module to npm

  • Some syntax additions make writing Pomsky expressions more fun

  • Diagnostics were improved again. Most importantly, Pomsky now detects typos and suggests the correct spelling!

  • The binary size has been significantly decreased

The new parser

The biggest change in this release is that the parser was rewritten from scratch. It previously used nom parser combinators, but over time it became evident that nom isn’t well suited for my use case. It made me jump through hoops to get decent error messages, and performance was less than ideal. I considered optimizing other parts of the compiler, but it turns out that parsing is the only performance bottleneck in Pomsky; all other compiler passes take only a small fraction of the time required for parsing.

The new parser doesn’t use any libraries. It has all the flexibility I need, and turned out to be much faster. I haven’t even started to optimize it, and it’s already outperforming the previous parser by up to 500% according to my benchmarks.

So how did the code change? It became slightly longer, but in exchange, control flow is much more explicit, so it’s easier to reason about the code.

During the rewrite, I was glad that Pomsky has a variety of integration tests that cover both valid and invalid inputs. Once the code compiled again, I ran the test suite to identify bugs. When all the bugs I found were fixed and all 200 tests were green, I had much more confidence that my code was correct.

The WASM module

Pomsky is now published to npm. Getting it to work turned out to be much more difficult than anticipated, but I finally found a good solution.

The problem was that the WASM module, compiled with wasm-pack, didn’t work when imported with NPM and served with Vite in development mode. It did work with Vite in release mode and with Webpack, but my particular configuration seemed jinxed. As I’m not ready to enter the world of pain that is Webpack again, I spent lots of hours researching the problem.

What is Vite?

In case you’re not familiar, Vite is a modern JavaScript bundler. It is much faster than Webpack, requires less configuration, and many things (including TypeScript and SCSS support) work out of the box.

I actually found two problems:

  1. wasm-pack emits JavaScript modules added with wasm_bindgen in a folder called snippets, but this folder isn’t included in the package.json file, so it is ignored when publishing the module to NPM.

  2. Vite does some optimizations even in development mode. The optimized files are put in the node_modules/.vite/deps folder. This broke the dynamic import of the WASM file, because a script in this folder looked for the WASM file in the same folder, but the WASM file wasn’t there.

The solution to the first problem was to manually add the snippets folder to package.json before publishing. It’s not ideal having to edit an auto-generated file, but at least it works.

The solution to the second problem was harder to find: Vite allows disabling optimizations for a particular module with the optimizeDeps.exclude key.

The NPM module is now used on the playground.

Syntax changes

In the last two releases, there were a few syntax changes:

  • You can now use the ^ and $ anchors instead of Start and End. These symbols are well-known, not only because of regular expressions, but also because vim uses them. This should make your Pomsky expressions more concise.

  • Pomsky now supports atomic groups!

    # this is guaranteed to never backtrack
    % atomic('integer' | 'insert' | 'in') %

    Atomic groups can be more performant than regular groups. Note that atomic groups are only available in the Java, PCRE, Ruby and .NET flavors.

  • Alternations now allow leading pipes, so you can format your expressions more beautifully:

    | 'Lorem'
    | :group(
        | 'ipsum'
        | 'dolor'
        | 'sit'
    | 'amet'
  • The [codepoint] and [cp] syntax has been deprecated. Use the built-in Codepoint/C variables instead. This is part of an effort to make the syntax more uniform and intuitive.

  • [.] has also been deprecated, but currently only issues a warning.

    I’m still undecided if this syntax should be removed entirely, or if the dot should be available, even though its behavior can be surprising and Codepoint is usually better.

Improving diagnostics

Good error messages are dear to my heart. The last two releases had several improvements to diagnostics that I want to highlight here:

  • Pomsky now detects typos. When you misspell a character class, variable name or capturing group, Pomsky will suggest the correct spelling.

  • Many regex syntax diagnostics were added. Pomsky now recognizes most regex syntax and suggests the equivalent Pomsky syntax.

    For example, trying to compile (?<grp> "test") will produce an error with this help message:

    Named capturing groups use the :name(...) syntax. Try :grp(...) instead

  • Pomsky is now able to report multiple errors at once. More changes to the parser are required to make use of this effectively, but in some places it already works.

Reducing the binary size

I put some work into reducing the binary size. The first step was to strip debug symbols. I previously didn’t strip them because I wanted to have useful backtraces in case of a panic. However, I’m now confident enough in Pomsky’s stability that I think we don’t need them. And if you find a panic, it should be reproducible with the same input.

Stripping the binary decreased the CLI’s binary size on Linux from 3.24 MiB to 1.39 MiB.

The parser rewrite had little impact on the CLI’s binary size: It reduced the binary size from 1.39 MiB to 1.34 MiB. However, the impact was more significant for the WASM module: It went from 224 KiB to 177 KiB.

The next step was to replace the clap crate with the much smaller lexopt. This reduced the CLI’s binary size from 1.34 MiB to 894 KiB. Now that here isn’t any low-hanging fruit left, I’m satisfied with the result.

That’s it for today!
